Monday, 31 May 2010

A potted history of a May Bank Holiday day out.

First we dropped our son off at a big boys' play area like this:

Then we went exploring Stoke on Trent with map in hand looking for mugs, plates and the like in the famous factory shops.

Unfortunately we saw a lot of these:

...But eventually some of these.

Have you ever noticed that many of the successful potters in Stoke were called Josiah? (eg. Wedgewood and Spode). I wonder if they could have foreseen the decline of their industry or whether they would be amazed how long the success did last. Anyway, it is a sad sight to see derelict factories at every turn.
We didn't find any ideal plates or mugs but still, we came home a bit brighter having splashed out on a bargain pack of lightbulbs.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

The musical medley of an Ashby Saturday morning.

First stop the market stall where the flower seller started humming cheerfully "Raindrops keep falling on my head". Encouraged be the admiration of passers by, he launched confidently at full volume into the whole song. It was actually very impressive, if you like that kind of song.

Round to the church coffee morning where our creative friends were transforming the church into a French bistro ready for Holiday at Home this week. All busily hanging bunting and pinning up doilies accompanied by French songs with a jolly theme.

Out again into the rain and there in front of Boots was a Morris Dancing group with blue painted faces and sticks and bells and banjos and all. They were literally singing in the rain. And dancing and having a jolly old time with old English folk songs.

So this is Ashby on an average Saturday morning. Covent garden of the Midlands!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Celtic Blessings

I incorporated celtic blessings into RE lesson today. The children especially liked this one:

May the roof above never fall in

And may we below never fall out.

If only everyone could just not fall out. What a happier place it would be.

Mind you, I think they liked this one because it was the shortest and I had asked them to write their favourite two. Another choice was:

May you have walls for the wind

And a roof for the rain,

And drinks beside the fire,

Laughter to cheer you,

And those you love near you,

And all that your heart may desire.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

A bunch of birthday blessings

As my Mum celebrates her 80th birthday, she was delighted to share with me a surprise with a difference. A bunch of flowers from my sister from a company called BUNCHES. Check them out at The website claims they offer Ethical flowers (whatever they are) and if you click on the charity link you find a long list of international development projects they support. And a surprise box of chocs with every bunch. Oh and a Christian fish!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Mary Mary...

....quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
Answer is "very well indeed". So well in fact that Mary at church is having a plant sale in aid of our youth work. 3000 plants must go!
I am going for a sneak preview tomorrow but the real event is Sat 22nd and Sun 23rd May.
Teas, crafts and good fellowship.
Ask me for details!

Friday, 14 May 2010

A triumph of modern engineering

Had a great evening out courtesy of Triumph who were opening their new dealership in Frog Island in Leicester. Free t-shirts, a hog roast and motivational speaker Digby Lord Jones. He spoke very movingly about British industry and the need to keep manufacturing. He told the story of Triumph and how it went through a period of 7 years of watching and waiting before the time for growth came. So many parallels with church life we felt!
Hog roast was great fun. Did they think...sausages ?.... burgers ? ... oh let's just go the whole hog!
But it occurred to me how this choice of menu reveals their target market. I don't suppose Jews, Muslims or vegetarians were there to eat the hog or buy a Triumph.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

My M&S

It doesn't take much to make a good experience a great experience. A surprise gingerbread man each with our coffees at M&S this morning.
Not only that, a new (at least new to us) gadget that flashes and vibrates to tell you your food order is ready. So there we were quietly dunking our gingerbread men. Graham's went in head first, mine went paddling first to his middle, then to his neck... then....BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ... jumping in shock, almost spilling our coffee we realised this was the signal that our toasted teacakes were ready! And 3 pats of butter! What fun. We really ought to get out more!

Friday, 7 May 2010

An apple for the teacher...

When they asked me to go on a trip to the apple store, I confess my first thought was a farm shop associated with an orchard or something. Or a museum like one I have visited in Japan that explains how apples are grown, packaged and sold. But no, this is the electonic version. I am going on 3 trips next week with different groups each day to the Applemac Shop in Leicester. Educational workshops will be offered no doubt aimed at persuading us all to ditch our PCs and convert to an Apple. I look forward to having a bite. Taste and see!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Tell me more...

Thanks to the General Election, our school became a polling station and to keep us amused, the school brought in an author to teach us (the teachers) the art of storytelling!
We amazed ourselves with our previously hidden abilities to make stories from objects and pictures. We developed themes and added funny twists. We laughed maybe a bit more than we should have done. We sat at the feet of a great storyteller (Adam Guillain) and came away inspired to be that storyteller in our classrooms in future.
We also learnt about an exciting new project called the story museum; a fantastic collection of traditional and modern stories for all ages.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010


What a small world we live in. Just had a message from Genesreunited telling me of someone wanting information from me about one of my family branches in 1781. I wonder who he is and where he is now. So out came all my folders again with countless documents and notes. I left the actual roll of wallpaper that contains the nitty gritty of the tree in all its detail. I fear that might crumble away if handled too much. Reading through the notes I see others from that branch contacted me a few years ago from California. So I may have the joy of introducing these two to eachother. I also came across correspondence from Australia. How far my ancestors have dispersed from humble beginnings as Lincolnshire farmers!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Gone in a Jiffy!

What was life like before Jiffy bags? All paper and string using those knots we learnt at Brownies I suppose.
Anyway I am glad of a Jiffy bag today. I have just sent off my first module for my post grad study. If it meets with approval at Edge Hill University it will count towards a Certificate in Education on Professional Development. If I continue, it could lead to an MA but that is a long way off yet. I am just glad to get the first bit sent off and reclaim the dining table!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Cherry Blossom

Have you noticed the cherry blossom this year? It seems heavier and pinker than usual. I think the hard winter has made it so.
It reminds me of Japan where we enjoyed the annual cherry blossom festival in the local park. The whole town would celebrate the beginning of spring and various stalls were set up. Our little church would sell home made cakes and crafts and give out gospels.
Can you imagine that here? I think not! Still, we can rejoice in the one who made the cherry trees bloom.