Thursday, 18 February 2010

Happy Homecoming

My Mum bought me one of these puzzles for a present some years ago. I love the little house shape piece that represents our house in the middle of the aerial view of our neighbourhood. Only trouble is we have moved twice since then and though I still have it and enjoy it, it is a nostalgic memory of a previous chapter of my life.
So when I saw one of these in a charity shop today my curiosity was aroused. There were no clues on it as to the location but I couldn't resist the challenge so I bought it. As soon as I got home I opened the box to find the pieces still in their sealed bag (obviously never been used) and to my delight, a photo of the finished picture. It seemed strangely familiar; then on closer inspection I was convinced it was in fact my town where I live now.
I set about the task, and have now finished it. It is lovely to see all the familiar buildings and landmarks. And in the middle, a house shaped piece of the place where presumably someone who doesn't like puzzles lives.

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