Sunday, 14 March 2010

Mothering Sunday

Croissants for breakfast today - courtesy of my son. It must be Mother's Day. In the days when Mothering Sunday meant a day's release from work so that young men could return home to visit their mothers I don't suppose they had croissants. Just having your son home is a treat for any Mum!
We don't mention Mother's Day at school. Some children have lost their mothers through death or separation. Others have such bad experiences at home that motherhood is not something to celebrate. And then in church one needs to be careful too. Some mothers have lost children through death or broken relationships, other women long to be mothers but are not. But we can celebrate fellowship which acts as family. We can all identify someone who is like a mother to us or like a daughter to us. I always feel like a precious daughter when a certain lady at church calls me "my flower" in general conversation! And we can try to be a mother and daughter to others.
Then there is the perennial problem of where to put the apostrophe. I have opted for the one mother in honour of my one real Mum (Happy Mother's Day, Mum!) but it is open to debate.

1 comment:

  1. I go for 'Mothering Sunday' - altogether more British, and no need to apostrophise!
