Friday, 12 March 2010

Stress Relief

This is what I was looking forward to after a long day in the classroom. So I dragged my dusty self up the wooden hill and ran the hot water. With just enough energy left to reach for the Radox Stress Relief, I was anticipating a long relaxing soak. But no. The new bottle had never been opened and the top was stuck fast. No matter what I did it would not budge. Wrapping a flannel round it didn’t help and the kitchen gadget used for such tasks was a long way away. So with feverish fury I battled on desperate to release the promised stress relief. At last, an easing of the top and it opened to exude the fruity aroma and foamy liquid. Ahh! Stress relief at last. But was the tightness of the top a deliberate marketing ploy to make me appreciate the effect of stress relief all the more, I wonder?

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